About Progress Not Perfection

You’ll Never Be Smart So Why Try?

29 May

You’ll Never Be Smart So Why Try?

“You’ll never be as smart as other people so why try?  Why waste your time trying to learn new things that you’ll never be able to do?  What you should do is…”  Because of statements like these, I spent half my life believing I was dumb.  I wasn’t blatantly being called stupid, but the message was loud and clear, I was less than capable in most areas of my life. 

It took me many years to realize I had come to accept these thoughts and beliefs as my own.  I didn’t understand they were nothing more than the imagined reality of someone else’s inaccurate assessment of me.  I took on the story as my own truth, but it was a lie. 

Thoughts Are Powerful

I believed I was dumb and incapable until I joined the United States Army, served four years, and was honorably discharged.  That experience taught me, I am smart, and I am very capable of learning new things. 

Now, I believe my life has value and I don’t get caught up in other people’s imagined reality of who they think I am.  I am brave, I am strong, I work on reducing self-doubt because I am good enough just the way I am.

-Received from GP

You'll Never Be Smart So Why Try?

I am brave, I am strong, and I am capable.




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