Everyone needs to make a 2019 Vision Board. Why? Because they work! A Vision Board creates a safe place to display and save what you want to achieve in your life. Placing your thoughts, visions, and dreams onto a board makes your thoughts, visions and dreams come to life. What exactly is a vision board you might be asking. It’s a collage of slogans, inspirations, thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, and pictures that are meaningful to you. Putting them on a board in collage style helps give you a clear picture of what you want to do this year. Part of the reason they work is because you have to sit and really think about what you want. There is limited space on the vision board so there is not room for every single dream or goal. A vision board takes your thoughts out of your head and allows you to prioritize and focus on what you really want to work on.
When you feel stuck or exhausted because your life is congested and overflowing with family, work, extra curricular activities, or chores you’ll know it’s time to make a vision board. Making a vision board helps you get out of your normal routine and get unstuck. It gets your creative juices flowing and helps you to focus on you. Seeing your vision board daily throughout the year becomes a constant reminder that you are an important person. It helps you to stay on track. Even if you get off track your vision board will be there to motivate you over and over again.
Visualization is one of the most important steps in reaching goals. I always say, when you see it you will believe it. According to Psychology Today, visualization changes brain patterns and athletes use visualization exercises all the time picturing themselves at top performance. Why? Because it works. Making a vision board helps you connect with your goals. Getting excited about an aspiration, seeing it on your vision board spurs you into action. The best part about making a vision board is they are fun to make. Second best thing is there is no way you can do it wrong. It does not have to be perfect it just needs to inspire you. Your vision board needs to focus on how you feel or how you want to feel, not just on things you want. The biggest rule is there are no rules!