This is a mini memoir and workbook on surviving domestic violence. The peaceful picture on the cover creates safety for the reader. I do not want the abusers to know the reader is seeking self-help. The book is written in story form to make it easier to read in stressful times.
Surviving Domestic Violence!
I felt frightened and alone all the time when I was living with my abuser. No one needs to feel like they have no way out of horrible situations. I did not want anyone to know my story because my self-esteem and self-confidence back then were non-existent. I had no voice to yell for help and certainly could not voice my fears. No one knew how much danger I was in, not even me.
Every night my husband drank beer until he passed out, but it wasn’t until his drinking nearly got him fired from his job that he agreed to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. He quite drinking for about a month or two and I thought I was safe. Even without the alcohol in his system he was just as mean and nasty as he always was. I would look into his eyes and see evil and hatred, therefore I knew my life was still in danger. After a short time of sobriety he began drinking again, but in the place of a 12 pack he substituted an 18 pack. My book shares all the details and explains how I finally found my voice and eventually escaped my violent situation.
Reading my story about surviving brutal domestic violence will give you useful tips for making life changes that can make your life better. The tips increase self-worth, and help men and women overcome self-doubt. Let me help you create the life your want.
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August 10, 2019
August 5, 2019
June 15, 2019
May 30, 2019
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