About Progress Not Perfection

Unplug Cellphones For Focus

4 Jul

Do you have a difficult time staying on task?  Try turning your cellphone off for a day.  A new study found that having your cellphone nearby kills concentration.  Why?  When we see our cellphones it reminds us of all the things we would, could and should be doing.  A phone that is out of sight is suppose to be out of mind.  Last weekend I went away with my husband.  I decided to unplug and focus on us.  Day one was easy breezy.  Day two, I had to keep reminding myself that I did not have access to my phone.  I use my phone mostly as a computer.  I look up things on the web at the moment I am interested and curious.  I use my GPS when I need to get someplace and didn’t bother to figure out where I was going ahead of time.  I mostly communicate with other through texting and via e-mails.  It was strange not having contact to the outside world.  On the plus side, I actually did some much needed thinking.  I was completely present with my husband.  I enjoyed some pleasure reading and took time for swimming.



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