About Progress Not Perfection

Slow Down The Eating Train

14 Nov

Do you eat so fast that you are done before everyone else?  Does slowing down when you eat make you feel as though you will not get enough because it will all be gone before you get seconds or thirds?  Eating too fast can be habit related but, it can also be stress and other emotional issues.  When you review your eating behaviors is there times when you feel as though you have inhaled your food?  Can you always remember what you ate and when you ate it?  Take some time and write in your journal about your meals over the past week.  Were you alone?  Were you in front of the television?  Were you stressed, happy, celebrating, sad, mad etc?  It is important to know eating behaviors if you want to make changes.  I know I am a “grazer” who can and will eat at any time.  It does not matter if I am hungry or not.  I eat when I am sad, mad, happy, anxious etc.  It NEVER occurs to me to NOT eat when I am having a particular emotion.

Here are some tips provided by Weight Watchers International:

l.  Eat frequently- every 3 to 4 hours.

2.  Downsize meals-eat half your lunch for lunch and half for afternoon snack.

3.  Bulk up-add fiber rich foods like apples, pears, popcorn and broccoli.

4.  Avoid eating with friends feeding frenzies- eating in groups of 7 or more can cause more calorie consumption.

5.  Be less handy-use your non-dominate hand to eat or use chopsticks.

6.  Be more mindful-linger over each bite of a meal so you can note the flavor.



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