l. Organize your home starting small with a drawer, cupboard, a closet and then move onto a room.
2. Practice gratitude especially when nothing seems to be going your way. Take a deep breath and be thankful for something each day.
3. “When in doubt, focus out.” When anxiety, negative self-talk and depressive thoughts begin to take over your mind, take a deep breath and focus outward onto the good things in the world.
4. Start your day by drinking water. Water at room temperature first thing in the morning helps to wake the body up.
5. Set a “move” alarm. Every hour get up and move somewhere. Every time you move it makes your heart remember you are alive.
6. Establish a weekly step goal. Start slow and embrace the process. My goal this years is to walk 1,000 miles. I need to walk 6,800 steps daily or 3 miles. I wear a pedometer and at the end of the night I record my total miles walked on my chart. My chart is good for a year. When I reach 1,000 miles I will make another goal. Hopefully I will achieve this goal before 12/31/2015 but, if not I know for sure this is an obtainable goal for me.
7. “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Go easy on yourself, give yourself permission to be human. Life is not perfect and things will go wrong. When things go wrong don’t give up. Get back up and carry on. The difference between a winner and a loser is a winner loses more often. Don’t QUIT!
8. Take time for yourself. Decide what you need to accomplish this goal. It is a walk, run, bath, gym visit, books, writing in your journal or visits with friends or family? Take the time to investigate what your personal needs are.
9. Every time you put food in your mouth it is a meal. Food is energy for the body. I am an emotional eater and “snack” often. However, when I am not paying attention my snacking can be as many calories as a meal. Make every calorie important calories for your heart and your body.
10. Check out your spending habits. Know where your money is going. Make small spending cuts then work on a savings plan. Starting with a small savings plan is better than no savings plan at all.