About Progress Not Perfection

May 2019

29 May

You’ll Never Be Smart So Why Try?

You’ll Never Be Smart So Why Try? “You’ll never be as smart as other people so why try?  Why waste your time trying to learn new things that you’ll never be able to do?  What you should do is…”  Because of statements like these, I spent half my life believing I was dumb.  I wasn’t…

14 May

Who I am Today!

Who I am Today! How do you stay strong and gentle at the same time when you are a man in prison?  I started a new, never been taught before class last night at Folsom Prison called “Who I Am Today.” My leadership team is taking the reins.  All seven Soaring Eagles were asked to…

6 May

Sharing Ice Cream Sandwiches

Sharing Giving ice cream sandwiches to fellow inmates was a very kind and generous gesture. Tonight marks my two year anniversary teaching Life Coaching at Old Folsom State Prison. In addition, we finished up another six-week workshop. One of my students, a Vietnam Veteran who used to own several ice cream parlors, and who is…

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