When you are feeling burned out and over stressed, stop and take a deep breath. It is best to NOT power through when you are feeling exhausted or experiencing mental fatigue. Why? Because people make irrational decisions or tend to make no decisions at all when they are over tired or over stressed. Stop for 2…
Every once in awhile I long for the “Good Ol’ days.” I am not even really sure what that means. I think it means I am missing my family and friends. I think it means I miss being intimate with my friends and family. Maybe it means I miss having real conversations with my friends…
Regular sleep schedules seven days a week dramatically decreases persistent worry and pessimistic thoughts reveals new research in the journal Cognitive Therapy and Research. Are you willing to pick a bedtime and stick to it? I personally like to stay up late and get up early. Unfortunately, my body does not function well with this…
People who regularly set goals for themselves have an increased feeling of control. Goal setting also gives people a sense of purpose. For example, fulfilling a dream of learning how to restore furniture or learning how to knit, makes you feel accomplished and this can be good for your health. People who have a sense…